Survey about reading allied health reports
I am doing research about written reports that allied health professional write about people with communication disability who have a lifelong disability. I want to know: This anonymous survey is for people who: The survey which should take approximately 20 minutes. Start the survey by using this link:
An international standard for plain language? Yes please!
Plain language definitions have been around for a long time and many governments and organisations have embraced it. An international standard now provides a consistent definition and agreed approach to implementing and measuring plain language in any context....
Allied health report writing: resource curation
This post is a collation of documents and links to resouces that are designed to support allied health professionals to write more accessible reports that meet the intended purposes....
I asked Chat GPT to write a speech pathology report. Then things got serious(ly silly).
What is Chat GPT? Here’s the answer straight from Chat GPT itself: I am ChatGPT, a large language model created by OpenAI based on the GPT-3.5 architecture. I use artificial intelligence and machine learning to understand natural language and provide responses to user inquiries. My purpose is to provide...
Ten things about health literacy
Turnbull, H. (2022). Top 10 tips for Health Literacy and access to services. Journal of Clinical Practice in Speech-Language Pathology, 24(3). What is health literacy? To support health literacy, it is important to have a clear understanding of what it is. Health literacy relates to the way we access,...
Understanding and supporting health literacy
Health literacy is important when accessing, understanding and using health information, participating in health decisions, and achieving better health (Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care, 2014). Health literacy issues arise when a person’s knowledge, skills and capacity to understand health information clash with demands of healthcare...
Creating Context for Understanding: Accessible Report Writing Across Practice Settings and Populations
This workshop was delivered at the Speech Pathology Australia National Conference, 2021. The workshop was attended by over 100 Speech and Language Pathologists. Additional conference delegates were able to access the workshop recording for a limited time as part of their conference registration. Presenters: Harmony Turnbull, Cathy Olsson, Amy...
The readers, the writers and the documents: A scoping review of the information accessibility and health literacy demands of allied health reports
PhD Presentation to Univesity of Technology Sydney Speech Pathology Symposium (SEER) 2nd Dec, 2020 The literature review informing this presentation has been published: Turnbull, H., Dark, L., Skinner, I., & Hemsley, B. (2020). The readers, the writers, and the documents: A scoping review of the information accessibility, and health...
Presentation to University of Technology Sydney Speech Pathology Symposium (SEER) 2nd Dec, 2020
Danielle Manton, Teaching Fellow, School of Public Health Harmony Turnbull, Associate Lecturer, Graduate School of Health...
Will you join my study about allied health reports?
I am a PhD candidate at the University of Technology Sydney (UTS). I am doing a study about allied health reports written for and about people with communication disability. You can join my study from anywhere because I am using online video meetings for this research. I want to...