Do you read or write allied health reports about people with communication disability?
Yes? Please talk to me for my research!
I want to know:
- What do the readers and the writers think about allied health reports?
- How accessible is the information in allied health reports?
When written information is accessible it means that it is easier to read and understand.
Findings from this research will be used to improve allied health reports written for and about people with communication disability.
I would like to talk to:
- People who read allied health reports:
- people with lifelong disability and communication disability
- people in the support networks of people with lifelong disability (such as parents, siblings, friends, paid carers)
- People who write allied health reports:
- audiologists
- dietitians
- occupational therapists
- physiotherapists
- speech pathologists
If you have any questions or would like further information about the project, I am happy to chat about it:
This study has been approved by the University of Technology Sydney Human Research Ethics Committee (UTS HREC ETH21-5715). If you have any concerns or complaints about any aspect of the conduct of this research, please contact the Ethics Secretariat on ph.: 02 9514 2478 or email:, and quote the UTS HREC reference number ETH21-5715. Any matter raised will be treated confidentially, investigated and you will be informed of the outcome.